Joseph Appleyard's Art Gallery
Doncaster Museum and Art
Gallery Service
The following eleven pictures are in the
Collection of the Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery Service and have
been made available to us through their kind permission.
Joe was commisioned to paint the St. Leger
in 1959 just one year before his tragic accident.
I went to digitally photograph these
pictures in January 2002 when it was suggested by the Doncaster Museum
and Art Gallery Service that they might be interested in staging an
exhibition of Joe's work. We will try and keep you posted on this
account, so please periodically visit this site for an update.
With the wonders of modern day technology we
may even be able to give you a full preview of this exhibition before
it takes place!
Image Nos. 301, 303 and 306 have been re-mastered as it were through the Joint Venture of The BBC and The Public Catalogue Foundation (
Permission to view these pictures can be
obtained from the Senior Museums Officer, Telephone 01302

Huddersfield Art Gallery Service
The following four pictures are in
the Collection of the Huddersfield Art Gallery Service and were
made available to us through their kind permission in January

Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle
There is one of Joe's paintings in collection at The Laing Art Gallery,
"Cleveland Hounds at Feeding Time"
(dated 1938).
Thanks and acknowledgments are extended to the Public Catalogue Foundation ( for this fine image kindly e-mailed to us, following our discovery that it had been catalogued in The Tyne and Wear Catalogue, as being in collection at The Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle.

Hepworth Art Gallery, Wakefield
This water colour was identified as being in the Collection of The Wakefield Art Gallery in 2015
"Grassington Main Street "
(dated 1937).
Thanks and acknowledgments are extended to the Hepworth Art Gallery, Wakefield for this fine image kindly e-mailed to us only two days after our initial enquiry.
The wonders of electronic communication!

Lancaster Art Gallery
This water colour painting of Lancaster Market Square was identified as being in the Collection of The Lancaster Art Gallery in 2016
It is worth noting that this painting was not originally completed as a snow scene but was "converted" only after Joe had the original reproduced.
How's that for a BOGOFF!

Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, Bradford
Only recently discovered following a visit to the newly opened David Hockney Gallery in 2019
is this
oil painting of The Leeds Arms

The Brotherton Collection, Leeds University
This section was added in April 2018 following the successful
Treasures of the Brotherton Gallery Exhibition Celebration
Rights and Romance: Representing Gypsy Lives
Unfortunately we have not yet received formal permission to show these images on this site, but are hopeful that this permission may soon be forthcoming. In the meantime please click on the linked image below and select the

Joseph Appleyard's

Art Gallery No.7